The anime-based RPG Solo Leveling: Arise is scheduled to go live worldwide on May 8 hoping to establish a niche among the heavyweights such as Genshin Impact.
It was developed by Netmarble and Netmarble, the game has already attracted a lot of interest, racking up more than 12 million registered players.
The adaptation of the bestselling Korean web-based novel stands out in its focus on the main character Sung Jinwoo. His character players are primarily in charge of enhancing his arsenal and skills throughout the course of.
Solo leveling Arise utilizes the gacha method that lets players make use of real or in-game currency to buy new equipment, weapons, and characters.
What makes this game unique, the game's focus is upon Jinwoo as the main character in striking contrast to traditional gacha games which tend to diminish the importance of Jinwoo as the primary protagonist.
The players will travel with Jinwoo and his team making use of assist characters in the main story and then controlling them direct throughout various dungeons, trials and dungeons.
One of the most notable features from the show Jinwoo's Army of Shadows, will be incorporated into the game, bringing an element that is familiar to players of the manhwa anime.
Even in the midst of severe conditions, they came together waiting for a private glimpse of their idol and demonstrating the close bond Laufey has built with her fans.